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How Inventory Is Tracked Under A Perpetual Inventory System?

Author: Junaid Amjad

Published On: 09-17-2024

How Inventory Is Tracked Under A Perpetual Inventory System?

Keeping track of inventory is a headache for many business owners. It’s a constant battle to know what’s in stock, what’s selling, and what needs restocking.

Perpetual Inventory System changes the game. It tracks inventory in real-time, updating with every sale and restock.

Big retailers use this system to stay on top of their game. They always seem to know exactly what’s on their shelves. It’s not magic – it’s smart technology at work.

But how does it actually work? What makes it tick? And can it really make a difference for your business? In this blog, we’ll explore how inventory is tracked under a perpetual inventory system and why it’s a game-changer for businesses aiming to maintain optimal inventory levels.

What Is A Perpetual Inventory System?

A perpetual inventory system is an accounting method where inventory levels are continuously updated based on transactions such as sales, purchases, returns, and transfers. Unlike the periodic inventory system, which relies on physical inventory counts at specific intervals, the perpetual system updates inventory records immediately after every transaction.

In essence, the perpetual system allows businesses to know their exact stock levels in real time, making it easier to avoid overstocking or running out of products. This real-time information is especially valuable for businesses that handle a high volume of transactions or operate across multiple locations, as it ensures that inventory data is always accurate and up-to-date.

Core Components Of Perpetual Inventory Tracking

To implement an effective perpetual inventory system, you need several key components:

Point-of-Sale (POS) System

The POS system acts as the primary data entry point for sales transactions. It captures real-time sales data and updates inventory levels instantly. Modern POS systems integrate seamlessly with other inventory management tools, providing a comprehensive view of inventory movement. This integration ensures that every sale is immediately reflected in your inventory counts, allowing for accurate stock levels at all times.

Data Capture Technology

Data capture technology is crucial for efficient and accurate inventory tracking. Barcode scanners quickly read product information, significantly reducing human error in data entry. They allow for rapid processing of items during receiving, sales, and inventory counts.

RFID tags take this a step further by enabling contactless scanning of multiple items simultaneously. This technology is particularly beneficial for large-scale inventory management in warehouses or retail environments with high product volumes. RFID systems can dramatically reduce the time and labor required for inventory counts and provide real-time visibility into stock locations.

Inventory Management Software

Inventory management software serves as the central hub for all inventory-related data. It integrates information from the POS system and data capture devices to provide a complete picture of your inventory status. Key functions of this software include real-time inventory level tracking, automated reorder point calculations, and demand forecasting based on historical data.

Inventory Management Software also generates comprehensive inventory reports, helping businesses make informed decisions about purchasing, pricing, and product mix. Advanced systems may include features like multi-location inventory tracking, supplier management, and integration with accounting software for seamless financial reporting.

Step-By-Step Inventory Tracking Process

Tracking inventory with a perpetual system follows a clear process. Here’s how it works:

→ Receiving New Stock:

  • Products arrive at your warehouse or store
  • Staff scan each item or box
  • The system automatically adds these items to your inventory count
  • You can see the updated stock levels right away

→ Recording Sales Transactions:

  • A customer buys a product
  • The sale is logged in your POS system
  • The inventory count drops by the number of items sold
  • This happens instantly, with no manual input needed

→ Updating Inventory Levels in Real-Time:

  • Every sale or return changes your stock levels
  • The system adjusts numbers automatically
  • You can check the current stock at any time
  • Low stock alerts help you reorder at the right time

→ Reconciling Physical and Digital Counts:

  • Even the best systems need a reality check
  • Staff do occasional physical counts
  • They compare these counts to the digital records
  • Any differences are investigated and corrected
  • This keeps your digital and physical inventories in sync

This step-by-step process keeps your inventory accurate and up-to-date. It takes the guesswork out of stock management and helps you run your business more smoothly. Effective inventory management is crucial for maintaining healthy working capital and ensuring smooth operations.

Top Perpetual Inventory Software Solutions

With our extensive experience with Financial and Inventory Data Management, We’ve identified top-tier Perpetual Inventory Software solutions. Here are our best picks


NetSuite offers a comprehensive cloud-based inventory management solution as part of its ERP suite. It provides real-time visibility into stock levels across multiple locations and channels. Key features include:

  • Multi-location inventory tracking
  • Demand planning and forecasting
  • Automated reorder points
  • Lot and serial number tracking
  • Barcode scanning capabilities

NetSuite’s inventory management integrates seamlessly with its other modules, offering a unified platform for businesses. In turn, it helps to scale your business with all data in one place. This integration allows for streamlined operations from order to fulfillment.


QuickBooks, known for its accounting software, also offers robust inventory management features. It’s designed for small to medium-sized businesses and provides:

  • Real-time inventory tracking
  • Automatic reorder points
  • Multi-location inventory management
  • Integration with e-commerce platforms
  • Customizable reports

QuickBooks stands out for its user-friendly interface and seamless integration with its accounting features, making it a popular choice for businesses that prioritize financial management alongside inventory control.


Odoo provides an open-source inventory management solution that can be customized to fit specific business needs. Its key features include:

  • Real-time inventory tracking
  • Automated reordering
  • Barcode scanning
  • Multi-warehouse management
  • Integration with other Odoo modules

Odoo’s inventory management is highly flexible and can be tailored to various industries. Its open-source nature allows for extensive customization. Its open-source nature allows for extensive customization, which can be particularly useful for businesses undergoing accounting data migration.


Katana is a cloud-based inventory management solution designed specifically for small to medium-sized manufacturers. It offers:

  • Real-time inventory tracking
  • Production planning and scheduling
  • Multi-channel sales integration
  • Purchase order management
  • Custom reporting and analytics

Katana’s strength lies in its focus on manufacturing processes, making it ideal for businesses that produce their own products. It can be particularly useful for companies looking to optimize their Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) calculations.

Zoho Inventory

Zoho Inventory is part of the Zoho suite of business applications, offering a user-friendly inventory management solution. Key features include:

  • Multi-warehouse management
  • Order and purchase management
  • Integration with multiple sales channels
  • Barcode scanning
  • Inventory forecasting

Zoho Inventory is known for its intuitive interface and seamless integration with other Zoho products. for businesses that need to manage both accounts receivable and inventory simultaneously for businesses that need to manage both accounts receivable and inventory simultaneously, Zoho Inventory is a go-to Solution.

Comparison Table

FeatureNetSuiteQuickBooksOdooKatanaZoho Inventory
Multi-location trackingYesYesYesYesYes
Barcode scanningYesYesYesYesYes
Demand forecastingYesLimitedYesLimitedYes
Manufacturing focusLimitedLimitedYesYesLimited
Multi-channel integrationYesYesYesYesYes
PricingHighModerateVariesModerateLow to Moderate

Benefits Of Perpetual Inventory Tracking

Perpetual inventory tracking offers several advantages that can significantly improve your business operations.

Improved Accuracy and Visibility

Perpetual inventory systems offer a real-time view of your stock. You know exactly what you have at any moment. This accuracy helps prevent stockouts and overstock situations. It also gives you a clear picture of your best-selling items and slow movers.

Cost Savings and Efficiency  

With automated tracking, you save time and reduce labor costs. No more manual counts or data entry errors. The system does the heavy lifting, freeing up your staff for other tasks. It also helps optimize your inventory levels, reducing carrying costs and freeing up cash flow.

Better Forecasting and Planning

Accurate, up-to-date data leads to better business decisions. You can spot trends quickly and adjust your ordering. Seasonal fluctuations become easier to manage. With better forecasting, you can plan your inventory needs more effectively, ensuring you have the right products at the right time.

Challenges And Limitations

While perpetual inventory systems offer many benefits, they also come with their own set of challenges.

Initial Setup Costs

Implementing a perpetual inventory system can be expensive. You need to invest in software, hardware, and training. For small businesses, this upfront cost can be a significant hurdle. However, the long-term benefits often outweigh the initial investment.

Potential for Data Discrepancies

Even the best systems can have errors. Incorrect scans, missed transactions, or software glitches can lead to inaccuracies. Over time, these small errors can add up, causing your digital inventory to mismatch with your physical stock. Regular reconciliation is crucial to maintain accuracy.

Need for Periodic Physical Counts

Despite real-time tracking, physical counts are still necessary. They help catch discrepancies and ensure your digital records match reality. These counts can be disruptive to business operations and require additional time and resources. However, they’re essential for maintaining the integrity of your inventory system.

Best Practices For Implementation

To get the most out of your perpetual inventory system, it’s important to follow some key best practices.

Choosing the Right Software

Selecting the right software is crucial for successful implementation. Look for a solution that fits your business size, industry, and specific needs. Consider factors like scalability, integration capabilities, and user-friendliness. Take time to research and compare different options before making a decision.

Staff Training and Change Management

Proper training is essential for the smooth adoption of a new system. Ensure all staff members understand how to use the software and follow new procedures. Address any concerns or resistance to change. Emphasize the benefits of the new system to gain buy-in from your team.

Regular System Audits and Maintenance

Regular audits help maintain the accuracy of your perpetual inventory system. Schedule periodic checks to compare physical stock with digital records. Keep your software updated and perform routine maintenance. This proactive approach helps catch and correct issues before they become major problems.

Implementing a perpetual inventory system is a big step for any business. It’s a move that can transform your operations, streamline your processes, and give you a competitive edge. But like any powerful tool, it requires careful consideration, proper implementation, and ongoing management.